Monday 13 July 2015


WELCOME TO INFORMATION GIVERS KIDS ( we are the voice of the African children)


Information Givers Kids is a child awareness organization committed to the protection, promotion and development of Africa children.

IGK was founded by the INFORMATION GIVERS TEAM some years ago to fight the abuses African Children face in the information age. The organization also create an atmosphere for children to discover, develop and explore their God given talent through talk show, talent presentation and stage performance.
IGK is purely an organization for children which focuses strength on making children relevant and noticed. We goes as far as working with school managements with the aim of impacting teachers through training on how to handle children with care.

As the “Voice of African Children” IGK desires to stand out to help suffering, hopeless and abandoned children in Africa to reach their desired goals in life.
The company works with UNICEF and other Child Right organization with the desire to make children relevant and visible neither in the home setting, society and the world at large.
The team joins voice together with other African children in the world especially in Africa in order to fight child labor, child Abandonment, child trafficking, molestation, child abuse and child discrimination.
We have memberships that spread across Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa comprising mostly of young people who have passion for children talents, education and developments.

In IGK we plan program that suits children in order to help them become better in their Academics studies, Communication skills, writing skills and physical fitness.

IGK, pledged to build “a world in which all girls and boys can enjoy childhood… where their safety and well-being are paramount and where they can develop in health, peace and dignity.

To support and report accident of child Abuse call our Hot line: 234-70-33-5399-30